Quick-Start Guide

Learn how to quickly add homing projectiles into your game project.

Prefer video tutorials? You can also watch the tutorial video I created for this pack here!

There are many settings on the AC_ProNav component, but changing them is optional. However, you need to assign a target so that the component knows what actor it should intercept.

Using the provided missile actor

If you are fine using the provided missile actor, then the implementation would be as follows:

  1. Drag the BP_ProNavMissile blueprint into your scene or spawn in in code.

  2. On the missile, make sure to set the "Target" actor reference variable. This is the target that the missile will try to intercept.

That's all. When you press play, the missile should start homing into the assigned target.

Note: The missile blueprint forwards the "Target" reference to the AC_ProNav component on BeginPlay. If you wish to assign a target after the missile was spawned, you need to set this reference directly on the AC_ProNav component which is attached to the missile (the component also has a "Target" actor reference variable).

Creating your own projectile

If you already have a projectile actor or want to create your own, you can do this by following these steps:

  1. Create a new actor blueprint.

  2. Add the Projectile Movement component and AC_ProNav component to your actor.

  3. On the Projectile Movement component, change the following settings:

    1. Initial Speed: Here you can define the speed of the missile.

    2. Rotation Follows Velocity: Enabling this will probably make your projectile look better.

    3. Projectile Gravity Scale: Set this to 0.

  4. In the blueprint editor, get a reference to the "Target" actor reference variable that's on the AC_ProNav component at set to to whatever actor you want your projectile to chase.

  5. Consider adding a visual indicator like a mesh to your projectile so that you can see it in your scene.

The AC_ProNav component will now automatically steer the projectile onto a collision course with the assigned target. It will always keep the current velocity of its owner - so you can manually increase or change the magnitude of the velocity vector (speed) at any time.

Last updated